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The Soviet Union Embassy

Publict Time:2017-10-25 01:16:38

The Soviet union embassy was a prototype of the Soviet union embassy in Nanshan during the war of resistance against Japan. It was included in the old building sequence of the two rivers and TV city because of its special historical connotation. It was completed in November 2016 according to the proportion of 1:0.8.

"77" after the outbreak of war, the national government moved to Chongqing bound together in a common cause, after the Soviet embassy in the Yuzhong area, during the bombing of Chongqing had been bombed, and repair. The Soviet embassy moved to the southern suburbs of Chongqing in order to avoid Japanese bombing. As a result, there are two Soviet embassy sites in Chongqing, located at 104 (Third People's hospital office building and dormitory) of Loquat Hill, and another in the southern suburbs of Chongqing. Nanshan Soviet embassy was the gate arms dealer Zhu villa, in twenty-eight years (1939), Jiang Jieshi Chamberlain for the use of foreign guests to buy